
Joseph of Vatopaidi, Elder (1921–2009)

Elder Joseph was born in Drousia, a small village in the province of Paphos in Cyprus, on the 1st of July, 1921. Certain events, interventions of Divine Providence, came together that led to his withdrawal from the world in 1936 and his going to the...

Romanos of Vatopaidi, monk (1889–1966)

One of the latest of the illustrious choir of Vatopaidi musicians is the protopsaltis Romanos. He was born in 1889 in Gomati of Chalkidiki. He went to the Monastery of Vatopaidi in 1919 at the age of thirty. He began his training in the art...

Matthaios of Vatopaidi (1744–1849)

Matthaios of Vatopaidi is more commonly known as Matthaios of Ephesus, his place of origin. He was born in Kousantasi of Asia Minor in 1774. He lived for a while in Constantinople in order to complete his music studies. Most likely he was taught the...

Ioasaph the New Koukouzelis (late 16nth–early 17nth century)

Monk Ioasaph of Vatopaidi, nicknamed the New Koukouzelis, flourished in the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century. His works contain embellishments of older melodies, transcripts according to the Vatopaidian and more generally Athonite manner of expression, and abridgments of the “broader” older musical compositions. Ioasaph...