Η κόρη του Πέτρου Ράρες, Ρωξάνδρα και ο σύζυγός της, Αλέξανδρος Λεπουσνεάνου

Other Royal Patrons

Other Royal Patrons

The daughter of Petru Rares, Rucsandra, and her husband, Alexandru Lapusneanu, who later became a monk with the name Pachomios, funded the complete construction of the six-storey south wing, with its many balconies facing the sea. These 16th century buildings characterize the image of the Monastery today, especially as they emerged after the recent restoration.

Ruler Petros Rares

Prince Petru Rares

Prince Petru Rares

Very soon after the 1520 renovations, however, on 25 October 1535, a devastating fire destroyed most of the Monastery. This gave the opportunity to another prince, Petru Rares of Moldova, to finance the reconstruction of the eastern wing – from the gallery and the entire gateway to the cellar – and of the cathedral, which he even built taller than the old one. He also paid the expenses of the frescoes.

St Nifon and Neagoe Basarab depicted on an icon, 16th century.

Prince Neagoe Basarab

Prince Neagoe Basarab

The Wallachian ruler, Neagoe Basarab, was a spiritual child of Saint Nifon. In 1520, he funded the construction of the Monastery's impressive defensive tower and the arched aqueduct that replaced the previous wooden one. He also donated an important relic to the Monastery: the cranium of St John the Baptist (which was unfortunately later stolen), in a golden case, and a gold-plated box in the shape of a church, where the relics of Saint Nifon were placed.