Through the short narratives, explore the history of the Monastery, its relics, heritage and tradition.

The story begins...

A brief history of the monastery, which perhaps will explain some facets of its character, is the ideal way to start your tour.

A Pilgrim’s Experience

A pilgrim who visited the Monastery for the first time shares his experience.

Η Παναγία η Γερόντισσα (Virgin Mary the Prioress)

The full-figure icon of the Virgin Mary, which in a sense is the ‘heart’ of the Monastery, is a copy of an important original from Constantinopole.

Reading as prayer

During the eras when a book was a luxury item, the monks were among the few people who generally had daily access to a library. In fact, the Pantokratoros Monastery operated a manuscript and book production workshop. Whether as a private or public activity, reading comprises a large part of the life of a monk.